Awards and Recognition

  • “Best Use of Technology” category at Bangladesh Retail Awards by Bangladesh Brand Forum in 2021
  • “Best Retailer – Others” category at Bangladesh Retail Awards by Bangladesh Brand Forum in 2021
  • "Bangladesh’s Speedtest Award""Bangladesh’s Speedtest Award" by Ookla in 2019
  • "GSM in the Community" Award by GSMA in 2000
  • "Commonwealth Innovation Award" in 2003
  • "Best Use of Mobile for Social & Economic Development" category in 3GSMA Global Mobile Award, 2007
  • "Best Brand Award" by Brand Forum in 2007
  • First "Telecom Asia Awards" 2008 "Asian Telecom Innovation of the year".
  • "3GSMA Global Mobile Award", 2008 in the category of "Best Use of mobile for social and economic development"
  • Grameenphone and Huawei Green Mobile Award for "Building a Greener Mobile Network" at GSMA Mobile Congress 2009
  • "Best Brand Communication" for 2009
  • "Best Employer 2010" by BDJOBs
  • "Best Employer 2011" by BDJOBs
  • "Best Employer 2013" by BDJOBs
  • "mBillionth award South Asia", 2013 for the SMS based solution to ensure safe drinking water in partnership with HYSAWA
  • "Green Mobile Award" by GSMA for extensive Climate Change Program at Mobile World Congress 2014

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